The video below features Alyssa Goss’s nude sex scene from the new National Geographic TV series “Bruh”.
It certainly is fascinating watching the mating habits of the North American dirt skin in this video clip, as the female takes a dominate position riding her sexual partner while vigorously gyrating her rump back and forth.
Of course after ejaculation the male of the species quickly disregards Alyssa by tossing her to the side and heading for the door as is their custom. For her part Alyssa immediately takes on an aggressive “chickenhead” posture by furrowing her brow and flailing her arms while babbling about how she “won’t be disrespected like this”… In the end the male will no doubt placate Alyssa with disingenuous proclamations of love, before returning to his tribe to go on the hunt for menthol cigarettes.