Anna Kendrick Nude "Pitch Perfect" Outtake


The video below appears to be an outtake from the original director’s cut of Anna Kendrick’s famous nude shower scene in the first “Pitch Perfect” movie.

It is common heathen Hollywood practice to film nude scenes like Anna’s in a higher aspect ratio, and then later edit them down to censor out the nudity for the mainstream release…. These uncensored clips are then passed around by Zionist producers to be shown at their fancy cocaine and circle jerk parties in the Hollywood Hills.

Of course this isn’t the first time that Anna has had her blasphemous bare breasts exposed in an outtake… For who could forget the video above from the promo for the second “Pitch Perfect” film in which Anna’s bulbous booby pops out the side of her leather jacket.

Date: April 11, 2021
Actors: Anna Kendrick