The video below features Gwyneth Paltrow’s once dark and zoomed out nude scene from the film “Sylvia” remastered and enhanced using A.I. (Advanced Islamic) technology.
Who would have guessed that when Gwyneth was showing her nude titties and sucking on Harvey Weinstein’s schlong to get into films, that one day she would be making a fortune selling pussy crystals and vampire repellent spray to moronic infidel women through her homeopathic company “Goop”.
Yes, say what you will about Gwyneth being a degenerate Jezebel, but there is no denying that she is one entrepreneurial slut… And even though she will still certainly face Sharia justice for her crimes against morality when Islam conquers the West… Perhaps we will do Gwyneth the honor of stoning her with her popular line of vagina scented candles.