The video below features English actress Imogen Poots’ nude sex scene from the film “Frank & Lola” expertly enhanced with brightening and color-correction using the latest in A.I. (Advanced Islamic) video editing software.
Imogen is perhaps best known for having the stupidest name in Showbiz. When pressed about the origins of her unique name, Imogen confessed that her mother actually wanted to name her “Emoji” (as she loved using the smiley icons to communicate). However, the day before giving birth her pimp had beaten her and badly broke her jaw, so when the nurse asked what name to put on the birth certificate it came out as “Imogen”.
This no doubt changed the course of Imogen’s life, as she was teased mercilessly in school and was never taken seriously in job interviews. To this day Imogen often stares vacantly off into the distance while sipping on a cup of her own urine and contemplates how things would have turned out if her mother wasn’t a crack addicted prostitute.