Katherine Heigl’s only two nude scenes from the obscure films “Prince Valiant” and “Side Effects” have just been uncovered and enhanced in the video below.
Yes, once upon a time Katherine Heigl was just another blasphemously brazen whore who had no qualms about using her nude tits and ass to try and make it big in heathen Hollywood… Including showing off her bare butt cheeks at 18-years-old in the screen caps below.

Of course once Katherine became a household name in the West she quickly transformed into an insufferable bitch who was a nightmare to work with, and she has consequently been blackballed as a result.
Which just goes to show that actresses who spend their formative years sucking tiny crocked Jew dick to get ahead, eventually become bitter resentful old shrews like Katherine… As further evidenced by the whole #MeToo movement.