Rose McGowan Doggy Style Sex Tape Video Leaked


“Charmed” star Rose McGowan has just had the doggy style sex tape video above leaked online.

This is Rose’s second sex tape to be leaked to the Web (the first can be seen below), and Allah only knows how many more we will be subjected to before it is all said and done. Thankfully in this new video Rose has a shaved head creating a pleasingly androgynous appearance, and with her soft supple skin and butt cheeks spread apart one could easily imagine that she were one of our beloved Muslim bacha bazis (dancing boys).

Yes as Rose McGowan continues to have her depraved sex acts videotaped and leaked online, we must take find comfort wherever we can. For us Muslims are a strong and resilient people, and we will persevere even through this most vile of ocular assaults and use it as motivation to jihad harder than ever before.

Date: May 16, 2022